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Fat freezing: the solution for local fat removal


Lose fat in just 50 minutes


Freeze excess fat permanently


Freeze fat without surgery or recovery time

Without anesthesia or surgery and painless
No diet or exercise necessary
CE & FDA certified

Wat we offer

Fat freezing makes it quick and easy to get rid of excess fat rolls. If you exercise regularly and eat healthy and still do not manage to get rid of those last rolls of fat, it can be very demotivating. If you are bothered by the fat that you have on a certain body part and you want to get rid of it, then cryolipolysis is the solution for you. Fat freezing is a painless and fast technique to remove fat locally.


Fat freezing

Fat freezing is an effective fat removal technique that has been performed millions of times worldwide.

Local fat removal

With fat freezing, localized fat can be removed. With special treatment heads you can choose exactly the area where you want to lose fat.


Permanent fat removal

The fat that is removed with fat freezing does not come back. Fat freezing is a technique for permanent fat removal.

What is cryolipolysis?

Cryolipolysis is also known as coolsculpting. An easier term for this is fat freezing. Cryolipolysis is a technique in which fat is removed using low temperatures. The safety and effectiveness of this technique has been scientifically proven. Stubborn fat can be permanently removed in a safe, fast and effective way. Cryolipolysis is currently one of the most popular treatments on the market.

Fat freezing: the alternative to liposuction

The biggest advantage of fat freezing is that it makes it possible to permanently and painlessly remove fat without surgical intervention. If you maintain a diet and exercise, you will of course also lose weight. This just doesn’t happen locally. You will lose weight in places where you don’t want to. So if you want to lose fat locally, fat freezing is the perfect solution for you.

Lose weight locally with the help of fat freezing from your chin to your knees

If you undergo the cryolipolysis treatment, you can determine exactly which part of your body will be treated. Love handles, bra rims and double chins are all places where it is difficult to lose fat. Even with sports and diets. If you are happy with your body except for one thing, cryolipolysis could be your solution. The following areas can be treated:

– Hips
– Thighs
– Waist
– Double chin
– Back fat
– Love handles
– Thighs
– Arm fat
– Armpit fat
– Belly
– Abdomen
– Inside of the legs
– Male breasts
Result visible quickly (3 -5 weeks)
Pay in installments

No irritation or recovery time

Freeze fat with the Clatuu Alpha

The Clatuu Alpha is used for cryolipolysis treatments. This is the most advanced cryolipolysis device on the market. The Clatuu Alpha is medically responsible and European approved (CE mark).

Faster and cheaper with 2 treatment heads


Double chin


Clatuu Alpha with 360° cooling

The Clatuu Alpha offers improved 360° cooling. With other devices, a lot of cold gets lost at the sides of the handpiece, which is at the expense of the results. The Clatuu Alpha provides a strong vacuum that sucks the skin and fat well into the treatment head. The body area around the treatment head is cooled using the 360° cooling technology. Thus, the entire area receives the same deep cooling. In this way, the cold does not escape and an optimal result can be achieved.

Temperature of the treatment zone with the Clatuu Alpha

The Clatuu Alpha offers improved 360° cooling. With other devices, a lot of cold gets lost at the sides of the handpiece, which is at the expense of the results. The Clatuu Alpha provides a strong vacuum that sucks the skin and fat well into the treatment head. The body area around the treatment head is cooled using the 360° cooling technology. Thus, the entire area receives the same deep cooling. In this way, the cold does not escape and an optimal result can be achieved.

A temperature of below 4°C must be reached for the breakdown of fat cells to take place. With the Clatuu Alpha, a temperature of no less than -9°C can be reached. In addition, the Clatuu Alpha maintains this temperature continuously, which ensures that a great deal of results can be achieved after one treatment.

Treating two zones at once with the Clatuu Alpha

The Clatuu Alpha distinguishes itself from other cryolipolysis devices by the possibility to treat two zones at the same time. For example, the double chin and abdomen can be treated simultaneously. This makes the treatment faster, which is of course a big advantage.

7 different treatment heads

The seven different treatment heads are the reason that the Clatuu Alpha is a very unique device.

These treatment heads make the Clatuu Alpha suitable for the treatment of various body zones. So a treatment head that is specially designed for a certain area can be placed on the particular body part. This increases the effectiveness of the treatment. The handpieces are made for the following areas: armpits, thighs, arms, back and double chin.

What are the results of fat freezing?

When the gel pad and treatment head are in place, you may experience a tingling or prickling sensation. After a few minutes, when the skin has become numb due to the cold, this feeling disappears. During the treatment you lie comfortably in the treatment chair and you can, for example, read, use your phone, listen to music or work. No anesthesia is required for cryolipolysis and there is no recovery time. This means that you can resume your daily activities immediately after the treatment. To keep the results permanent, it is strongly recommended to adopt a healthy lifestyle after the treatment.

Fat freezing before after
Fat freezing before after
Fat freezing before after
Fat freezing before after

Questions? Contact us

Want to know if fat freezing is for you? Contact us today. We are happy to help you.

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Do you have a question? Call us: 020-2903916

A free consultation call takes 30 minutes.

Lose fat in just 50 minutes
Freeze excess fat permanently
The best result at RB Clinics

What our customers say

google reviews
Michelle A
Michelle A
Ben erg tevreden met RB clinics en de fatfreeze behandeling die ik gehad heb. Het is inmiddels 7 weken geleden en ben super blij met het resultaat. Mijn boven en onderbuik heb ik laten behandelen. Al na 3 weken na de behandeling zag ik resultaat. Daarna ging het sneller. Dank jullie wel! Je ziet echt groot verschil, vooral in centimeters bij mijn taille!
Response from the owner: Bedankt voor je review!
Daniel T.
Daniel T.
Roksahr is super caring, polite and a great professional. The treatment went great, perfect for getting rid of stubborn fat (in my case, the love handles). The pictures were taken on the last day of treatment (so I've seen even better results after the picture since it takes some weeks to actually see them).
Response from the owner: Thank you so much for your review dear Daniel!
Marlies V.
Marlies V.
Ik ben onlangs voor mijn 3de behandeling cryolipolyse geweest. Eigenlijk was ik al na de 2de behandeling verbaasd hoe goed het resultaat was. Ik kan niet wachten tot het eindresultaat! Ondanks alle goede reviews, was ik toch een beetje bang of het bij mij ook zo goed zou uitpakken. Maar niks is minder waar. Ik kan deze kliniek echt van harte aanbevelen!
Response from the owner: Bedankt voor je review en wij zijn ook super blij met je resultaten!😄
Bij RB clinics Amsterdam kun je rekenen op direct zichtbaar resultaat na vet bevriezen. Inmiddels 4 behandelingen achter de rug. Ik wil Roksahr bedanken voor haar rustige en professionele houding waardoor je jezelf helemaal op je gemak voelt!
Cynthia van A.
Cynthia van A.
Wat een fijne kliniek en wat word ik steeds goed geholpen. Het advies is erg professioneel en na 2 behandelingen zie ik al een heel mooi resultaat. Een aanrader
Ik raad deze kliniek absoluut aan!Ik ben bezig met het vet bevriezen van mijn armen. Het resultaat na één behandeling is al niet normaal! Ben nu al heel blij met hoe mijn armen eruitzien en ik kan niet wachten om te zien hoe het resultaat gaat zijn na nog een paar behandelingen.De meiden zijn super aardig en doen er alles aan om je op je gemak te stellen. Daarnaast ziet de kliniek er super schoon en professioneel uit.
Jacomien Z.
Jacomien Z.
Zo’n fijne ervaring bij R&B Clinics. 2 behandelingen tegelijk gedaan huidverstrakking en vet bevriezen met mooi resultaat. Ik ga zeker terug komen en raad het iedereen aan 💋 Jacomien.
Response from the owner: Super bedankt Jacomien!
Staff is very nice and they help you build realistic expectation on the treatment and the results. The procedure causes a bit of discomfort, but I found it tolerable. Very nice results after 1 treatment for love handles. Recommended.

Benefits of fat freezing

  • The result of fat freezing is quickly visible. The first result arevisible after 6 to 8 weeks.
  • After the fat freezing treatment, the body itself is put to work. The fat cells that die after the cooling process are naturally removed by the body.
  • After fat freezing, the fat disappears permanently.
  • The Clatuu Alpha machine works very efficiently due to the unique 360° cooling technology. This ensures that all fat cells at the treatment site are all equally cooled.
  • There is no recovery time. After the treatment you can go straight back to your daily activities.
  • Disadvantages of fat freezing.
  • With fat freezing you can lose fat on certain parts of your body, which is not possible with just dieting and exercising.

Disadvantages of fat freezing

  • There must be at least 8 weeks between two cryolipolysis treatments.
  • The skin may feel a bit sore after the treatment. Your skin may also turn red or bruise. This will go away quickly on its own.
  • You may experience a stinging or burning sensation or tightness during the first 5 minutes of the treatment. This feeling will disappear during the course of the treatment.